Being Space

~ Space to Be
~ Space for Transformation


Hello, I’m Catherine Llewellyn – I’m delighted you’re here. On this website you will find answers to all your questions about what I’m offering, why I’m offering it, who I am, what my story is, how this all works. You’ll find out how it’s enjoyable and fulfilling and useful. All of that’s in detail below.


"The only true aristocracy is that of consciousness."
D. H. Lawrence

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Running through everything on here is the notion of consciousness. When our consciousness shifts, everything else follows. Consciousness lies behind everything about us as individuals and as a collective, as a community, as a society, as a culture.


I believe that for the next phase of our development — both individually and collectively — the evolution of our consciousness is the most important factor.

Everything I offer helps you to shift your consciousness and fulfil yourself in whichever direction you choose on your own unique path. And I know that you will know when the time is right for any of that.


Everything here works on its own — or integrated with everything else — or integrated with whatever you are already doing. 

The Advanced integrated programmes facilitate the richest and most potent experiences and transformations. And each offering taken on its own is also very helpful and very useful for our development, our growth, the elevation of our consciousness and transformation in our lives.


In common between all of these offerings is space to be, and space for transformation. Space to be exactly who you are as you are, to experience significant shifts in consciousness, and to manifest profound and radical transformation in any and every area of your life.


Thank you for being here.  Welcome, enjoy the website and I look forward to being in touch whenever the time is right.

Transformational Coaching

“Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes”
C.G. Jung


Transformational Coaching

The expansive path


Exploring the mind body spirit connection and its expression in everyday life.


        • In person, or online
        • One-off, or ongoing
        • Focus of intention, or organic unfolding
        • Attending to part of life, or all of life

Through the art and practice of contemplation ~ revealing inner treasures; releasing intuition and insight; reversing self-limiting beliefs, patterns and assumptions; and activating passion and purpose.


Utilising visionary tools ~ finding clarity and focus, expanded vision, unexplored horizons ~ and higher calling.


Deepening self-awareness, self-discovery, self-realisation, self-compassion and self-knowledge.


Living in alignment with values and visions ~ walking the true Path.


Grounding and integrating the journey ~ enjoying transitions!


Expect empathy, resonance, encouragement and accountability ~ and tools and techniques for your continued expansion.



Book an Exploratory Call

If you’d like to find out more about Transformational Coaching:


"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."
Ryunosuke Satoro

When we gather with a common purpose to explore together and support one another, unexpected and magical things can happen. In offering these Workshops my intention is to create and provide a space for us to be, and for transformation. How you are, what you bring and how you show up in the space is always unique, relevant and an important part of the mix.


Level 1 & 2 Attunement Workshop

Two days of energy technique work, Pellowah Level 1 & 2 Attunements, giving & receiving Pellowah treatments.


Pellowah means Radical Shift in Consciousness.  This energy technique was first used in Australia in 2003.  The Attunement Workshop is an investment in your spiritual growth and expansion, as well as a training in how to facilitate Pellowah for others.  Participants report remarkable shifts in consciousness, with wonderful effects in all areas of life.


  • Invest in your spiritual growth and expansion
  • Boost wellness and resilience
  • Shift your consciousness
  • Connect the twelve strands of DNA ready for activation
  • Unblock and realign all meridians
  • Give the body a feeling of connection
  • Experience a more expansive way of thinking and being, with greater wisdom, resilience, freedom, energy and balance
  • Boost your capacity to hold the energy and the light
  • Accelerate and empower your unfolding, expansion and transformation
  • Learn and practise giving and receiving Pellowah treatments

Freedom of Spirit
~ through self-realisation

A journey of expansive play


A place of adventure, playful exploration, freedom and vibrancy.


A multi-layered experience of mind, body and spirit.  Celebrating the bright shining flame – the essence of you.


This is an expansive dance of play, imagination, energy, curiosity, truth and revelation.

We dive deep into self-knowledge, self-responsibility and self-love.  Reclaiming our sovereignty, power and truth.  Liberating and celebrating the bright flame of Free Spirit: our birthright and our guiding light.


And that’s just Day One!


DAY ONE – Reclaiming our Sovereignty


  • The liberating power of play
  • The art of mind-body-spirit engagement
  • Self-denial and suppression
  • 5 drivers and 5 core values
  • 21 thinking preferences and 54 essences
  • 22 virtues
  • 6 emotional needs
  • 12 components of self-care
  • Liberation through self-love and universal love
  • 4 levels of human experience
  • The art of inner divination
  • The transforming power of beauty and nature
  • Empowerment through self-responsibility
  • Freedom through truth and self-acceptance

Day Two – a day of play.  Bringing together body awareness, vibrant powerful presence and energetic resonance, releasing and amplifying the true voice of the spirit.


By integrating our newly reclaimed Freedom of Spirit throughout each layer of our lived experience, we craft our own personal anchors and activators.


DAY TWO – Living our Freedom of Spirit


  • The art and practice of surrender
  • Physical embodiment of free spirit
  • Energetic presence of free spirit
  • True voice of free spirit
  • 7 levels of meaning and integration
  • Freedom of Spirit – anchors and activators

An emotional, challenging, stimulating, exhausting, enlivening, liberating, encouraging, enlightening and life-changing workshop.  Expect to be stretched, entertained and rewarded.


Freedom of Spirit is an elixir for the soul.

Find out more

If you’d like to find out more about my workshops, you’re welcome to arrange a short chat with me.

Workshop Calendar

Dates, times and booking links for group events coming up in the next few months.


These events all take place at Brilley near Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR3 6JG UK.
 For more information, to discuss a Payment Plan, or to inquire about future dates, please get in touch.

Pellowah Level 1&2 Attunement Workshop 

~ Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th September 2024

9:45am to 5:30pm 

both days

Freedom of Spirit Workshop 

~ Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September 2024

Saturday 9:30am to 8:15pm 

Sunday 9:30am to 5:30pm

Pellowah Level 1&2 Attunement Workshop 

~ Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th October 2024

9:45am to 5:30pm 

both days

Freedom of Spirit Workshop 

~ Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th November 2024

Saturday 9:30am to 8:15pm 

Sunday 9:30am to 5:30pm

Pellowah Level 1&2 Attunement Workshop 

~ Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th November 2024

9:45am to 5:30pm 

both days


"Needing help doesn't have a look, but asking for it always looks beautiful"
Brittany Burgunder

Energy treatments work on the human system in a unique way.  They reach parts that other interventions do not, helping us access inner depths we might otherwise find inaccessible.  They work well on their own, or alongside other modalities.  

Pellowah Technique

‘Pellowah opens the door to whatever wants to come through’.


This could be a deep period of rest and recuperation, a burst of inspiration, a boost in creativity, a clearing of mental dross and confusion, a delving into deep emotion, or whatever it is you need at the time. I’ve personally experienced all of these and more with Pellowah.



Unlike some other energy healing modalities, Pellowah comes direct from Source. The practitioner does not direct the energy, the energy directs the practitioner. This means that the Pellowah energy responds directly to you and what you need, without requiring human intervention, direction or interpretation.



The focus of Pellowah is your consciousness, and whatever shift may be required for your highest potential. As we know, we naturally move through many different states and modes. At any given moment, what we need is a subtle blend of many factors. Pellowah has an uncanny capacity to tune into all of that and deliver what you need.



60 minutes distant treatment.


Investment: £80

Past-Life Assimilation Technique

This technique erases any past-life blockages that are affecting your life at the present time. With this method, you can tap into past-life memory consciously and heal any trauma associated with the experience.


It will also give you a full understanding of how it has blocked your life up to that point.


The effects of this technique are usually dramatic as the personality changes to accommodate a less limited and fearful way of thinking that has been carried over from past life.


60 minutes hands-on treatment ~ in person only.


Investment: £80

Arbah technique

Arbah Healing is like an organ transplant but for the aura instead of the body.


This healing technique allows you to cut a piece of the aura from the auric field, treat it and replace it back into the aura giving the aura a more positive blueprint for change.


This form of healing is used in more extreme cases, especially mental illness and very stubborn unproductive thought patterns. It has also had good results with ADHD and similar cases.


Hands-off treatment ~ in person only.


By application only

Book a treatment or arrange a call

If you have questions about treatments you are welcome to arrange a short call to find out more. 

If you’d like to arrange a treatment you can book one here.



"Given a rich environment, learning becomes like the air ~ it's in us and around us"

Mentoring sessions and treatments are facilitated near Presteigne in rural Wales UK, or remotely.

Brilley Hall near Hay-on-Wye in leafy Herefordshire is my chosen venue for workshops.

Truth & Transcendence Podcast

“I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.”
Larry King

Truth & Transcendence emerged in mid-2021.  At the time, fear, despair and helplessness were rife.  The goal of the podcast was to assist leaders to provide the strong and wise leadership the world needed in those disastrous times.


Since then, we’ve moved on.  A new wave of self-identifying leaders has emerged.  Political, corporate, spiritual and community leaders ~ and those who simply choose to stand as leaders in their own lives. The need for survival is giving way to a fresh enthusiasm for creating, and new strengths have been discovered.


In turn ~ Truth & Transcendence has evolved, and now explores Truth & Transcendence in the widest possible context, with an exciting and revelatory variety of guests and solo episodes.


On my YouTube channel there are videos.  I hope you enjoy them.


Over the years I’ve written several eBooks.  These were not commissioned or directed by anyone else.  Each one emerged as a ‘good thing to do’, not always for obvious or logical reasons.  The resulting collection is eclectic.  I hope you find some nourishment in it.

Autonomy in Relationship ~ the Human Side of Being a Non-Exec Chairman

Beyond the Technical and the Legislative …

Many of my exec clients went on to become Non-Exec Chairmen.  Intrigued, I chatted with some of them and asked how that is for them.  Contrary to common opinion ~ Non-Exec Chairmen are human too, and their humanity is crucial for their success in the role.  In this ebook you’ll learn all about the human side of being a Non-Exec Chairman.  

  • What motivates NECs ~ desires, fears and values
  • Why the NEC role is so much more challenging than the CEO role
  • The growth trajectory ~ profound learnings in the NEC role
  • Autonomy in Relationship ~ what this means, and why it’s vital for NECs
  • The science ~ the psychology behind Autonomy in Relationship
  • Support principles & structures for a thriving NEC
Why People Think They Can’t Dance and How They Probably Really Can

Dance as a Powerful Metaphor for Unlocking Creativity

Over the years I’ve had thousands of conversations about dance.  I became fascinated with the ‘I can’t dance’ sentiment.  I decided to look into it.  I discovered that the reasons people think they can’t dance parallel the common unhelpful beliefs that get in the way of creativity.  Who knew?  In this ebook you’ll find out why people think they can’t dance, how they probably really can, and along the way you’ll learn a lot about unlocking your own creativity.

  • Creativity is both a natural phenomenon and an aspirational outcome
  • Our creativity both affects everything in our lives, and is affected by everything in our lives 
  • Our minds and bodies are inevitably involved
  • Dance is a powerful metaphor for creativity
  • Why people think they can’t dance — the hidden layers of our self-limiting belief systems
  • How people really can dance — revealing our infinite capacity for liberation, self-expression and creativity
Why Don’t the Board Think for Themselves and What To Do About It

This was my first ebook.  It almost wrote itself.  CEOs and Chairman for time immemorial have asked, ‘Why don’t the Board think for themselves??’.  This is a conundrum for leaders everywhere.  How do we lead strongly whilst still fostering free thinking in the Board/team/etc.?  Some of the answers are in this ebook.

  • How to create a strong and wise Board for the next phase
  • Why free thinking is a strategic necessity at Board level
  • An exploration of the dynamics of over-compliance and plodding at Board level
  • How Chairmen and CEOs can catalyse the Board to think for themselves for both individual and business benefit
Why Thinking for Ourselves Is a Strategic Necessity and What to Do About it

Antidotes for 2021

Here in the UK Lockdowns and other restrictive measures began in early 2020.  By 2021 it was clear that the effects of this seemed to vary significantly from person to person and from organisation to organisation.  Some thrived, some collapsed, some froze and stagnated.  I talked with thousands of people from all walks of life, crunched the response, and came up with a fascinating conclusion.  ‘Thinking for ourselves’ came out ahead as the key factor that made the difference.  

  • Strong and wise leadership for the next phase
  • An exploration of the undercurrents beneath the obvious distresses we felt or witnessed in 2020/21
  • How free thinking has emerged as a key strategy for transcending the difficulties
  • Why free thinking is vital for recovery, creativity and rebuilding
  • Reminders and insights — how leaders can help others to think for themselves now and going forward
What is Humanistic Coaching and Why Do We Care?

Growth and transformation through the conscious utilisation of coaching assistance.

I wrote this as part of my transition out of the world of corporate executive coaching.  I decided to literally share all of the secrets we coaches tended to keep to ourselves, and create a kind of instruction manual for people considering hiring a coach.  It’s a meaty read, there are many colourful images, and I am quite proud of it.

  • How to decide why you want a coach
  • How to identify what kind of coach you want
  • The unique and extraordinary benefits of humanistic coaching
  • How to assess whether or not humanistic coaching is right for you
  • How to go about selecting a coach
  • How to assess somebody to see if they’re the right coach for you
  • The hidden truths of how and why humanistic coaching is effective
  • The secrets of becoming a superb humanistic coach
Food for Thought ~ “The Transpersonal” ~ an area for further inquiry for those familiar with the Humanistic Way

A short piece drawn from the input of a select group of Board level execs who are interested in the Transpersonal.

Transpersonal Psychology may or may not fall under the umbrella of Humanistic Psychology, depending on who you talk to.  Either way, most of my clients at one time or another explored matters of meaning, soul, spirit and the nature of existence ~ the Transpersonal.  I interviewed a group of clients and created this piece, pulling together their insights and wisdom.  It’s a short piece, and quite sweet.

  • Life’s too short and there’s more to life than what’s on the surface
  • The essential value of openness to intuition and options
  • Our natural emphasis on helping others flourish
  • Enthusiasm for incorporating transpersonal perspectives into organisational interventions
  • The relevance of physical movement as meditation and to enhance well-being

What people say

Why this works

"The next stage of our evolution as a species is the evolution of our consciousness" Me

My take on ‘why this works’ is based on my own personal experience and my observation of clients, friends and others.


Our state of Consciousness underlies and directs how we conduct ourselves, how we make choices, how we perform, how productive we are, how effective we are, and how successful we are.  And when we shift our consciousness we are better able to connect with our higher level of being.  Some people would call this the part of us that is connected to God, the part of us that’s connected to Nature, to the Universe, the part of us that’s connected to the notion that we are all one.



Any of these things can be described as the Higher Self.  And you might think – I’ve got a Higher Self possibly, but I’ve never met it and I’m just my lower self.  Well, I would say that’s actually not true.  We are our Higher Self.  We are all aspects of ourselves, and our Higher Self is there and available for us to connect with at any time. 



And when we raise our level of Consciousness, we are more easily and readily able to connect with our Higher Self.  When we do that, we are more connected with what really matters to us, our values, love, service, contribution, connection with inventiveness, imagination, creativity.  All of these things come from our connection with our Higher Self, and that’s there all the time when we are open to our Consciousness on all of its levels.



There are multiple ways to raise our level of consciousness.  Through my own personal exploration and experimentation over many years, along with feedback from clients, I’ve found that using mental faculties in combination with emotional, physical, energetic and spiritual aspects is a highly effective mix.  
My work in all of these areas, along with my own extensive personal journey of learning and expansion, allows me to bring all of these aspects into everything I offer.  Whatever we do together, all aspects are present.  
When we work together in all aspects, the synthesis is mind-blowing and transformative.  

“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness”
Lao Tzu


Hello, glad you’re here.


I’m Catherine. My lifelong passion for human evolving and transformation began at age 6, encouraged by my wildly bohemian upbringing and a variety of catalytic encounters with radical thought leaders. This path delivered extraordinary experiences, challenges and learnings in my work and personal life.


My father was an alternative practitioner.  He taught me that the body is designed to heal itself, and the spirit is designed to grow and expand.  He showed me that as a nature-cure practitioner his job was to support and assist the natural process of healing and growth. This made perfect sense to me!


Following a rebellious and somewhat mad adolescence, I fell upon Robert D’Aubigny’s extraordinary and ground-breaking Exegesis Programme. For the first time I was in a group situation, emphasising consciousness, self-awareness and personal transformation. Wow. Life-changing. I stuck around with the people I met there for a good 20 years, exploring how those values could be applied in work situations as well as in personal lives. Across those 20 years I evolved from a voice trainer, through HR Director, Marketing Director and Team-building Trainer – to Organisational Change consultant and facilitator, and finally Board level facilitator and executive coach. A meaty transition to be sure. Much growth was involved, tears and laughter – it was all very real.


Just as it was starting to feel like time to peel off and set up on my own, through that organisation I met the remarkable folk at Surrey University’s Human Potential Research Group, founded by the father of Humanistic Psychology John Heron. Through their Masters degree I recognised that my highly facilitative style was in fact Humanistic. They taught me how to hone my approach, and threw in a raft of new techniques to boot. Armed with all this juiciness I set off for the next 20 years deepening and expanding my Humanistic practice.


Meanwhile ~ back in 1998 ~ through one of my tutors I met the amazing and talented Lesley Grantham (now Grantham-Brooks), who introduced me to the magic of Reiki. An old-school teacher, Lesley led me through the in-depth and challenging journey to my Reiki Masters. Astonishingly ~ or maybe not ~ the resulting infusion of energy, awareness and intuitive faculty transposed instantly and seamlessly into my work. My observational skills, flexibility and unexplained bursts of wisdom were much appreciated by clients!


Also in 1998, the same Masters tutor asked me, ‘Do you like to dance?’ .. ‘Yes why?” … ‘Great, why not come with me to a dance event?’. This event turned out to be a seven-day camp near Totnes UK with a large group of hippy types dancing their hearts out for hours and hours day and night, along with body painting, dancing naked in the rain, and more ~ you get the idea. Tribal Heart ~ great name. This was my first exposure to Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms Dance movement meditation practice. I absolutely loved it. Again, the experience transposed into all aspects of my life. Energy, expressiveness, emotional fluidity, creativity were heightened. In 2005 I stepped on to the path to 5Rhythms teacher accreditation, accomplished in 2010.


So we’re still in the 20-year period immediately following ‘going independent’. My work was evolving with each project. I developed my unique technique for ensuring the success of every developmental programme — the Self-Assessment & Development Planning piece. I won’t go into detail now — but suffice to say that this technique set things up for highly successful outcomes. The secret? For my Masters dissertation I interviewed 39 senior execs and asked them, ‘How has it been for you, using external consultants?’. They told me exactly what they were — and were not — happy with. I simply learned from that and built in all the necessary steps to make sure everybody’s happy. It worked.


By 2017 I was ready to let go of working with corporates. Frankly – the admin, the travel, and the nights away from home had become unappealing. It was time. I switched into working with clients privately. Alongside this I developed my work with energy techniques and conscious dance.


In 2018 my old friend Julie Parker returned from 15 years in Australia with a fresh new energy technique modality. Pellowah. ‘What is that?’, I asked. ‘Radical Shift in Consciousness’, she said. Have you ever had an almost physical rushing of energy through you that shouts YES? Well, that’s what I felt then. I was on the Attunement Workshop within ten days and loved every minute of it. Pellowah became a juicy piece of nourishment for me, and a delightful option for clients. I took the teacher training in 2022 and began offering the Attunement Workshop in early 2023.


I still love my work and don’t anticipate stopping until they cart me off. Mentoring, group work, energy and movement practices ~ these all work together beautifully. For my clients, and for me personally.


I live in rural Wales with three cats and a ridiculous population of birds and sheep, all singing their hearts out on a regular basis. Delightful. Sometimes there are yellow roses in the hedges.

Organisations I have worked with
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Get in touch

If you would like to find out more or if you have questions please get in touch.